Vetanco Latin America Conference closes the 2009 Edition


With a closing party attended by 120 guests from all Latin America, along with 60 professionals of our distributors and subsidiaries, finished the Vetanco Poultry Conference for Latin America, 2009 Edition.

Important lecturers plus an assistance of excellence shaped a summit that exceeded expectations of professionals and producers of the Latin America poultry business.

We received plenty of letters and e-mails of acknowledgement:

“Was extremely nice and satisfactory to receive a recognition and distinction as distributors of such a successful brand. Our commitment now is to set higher everyday the name of Vetanco” Fernando Cabrera Barceló, Juan Enrique Ibarra. Mallén Veterinaria. Santo Domingo.RD.

“I would like to congratulate VETANCO S.A. for a meeting of amazing quality. Everybody ended extremely satisfied and surely the name of Vetanco will be remembered after this meeting for a long time”. Marcelo Dalmagro, Vetanco do Brazil”. Marcelo Dalmagro, Vetanco do Brasil.

“”Dear friends of the Vetanco team, as participants, Mauri Mazonetto, Daniel Goldenberg and Nilwton Bervian, we can’t find the appropriate words to express our acknowledgement for this magnificent opportunity to which we were invited. Again, on behalf of the board of directors of Diplomata, we reiterate our gratitude for the possibility to participate, share, meet and build new friendships”. DIPLOMATA S/A, GERENCIA AGROPECUÁRIA. Brazil.

“”My gratitude for the support received from VETANCO at the XXI Latin-American Poultry Congress held past week in Cuba. And also want to thank the whole Vetanco family for every attention received by me and specially for that particular affection that Argentinean use to give us. “… Marta Jaramillo, DVM, M.Sc., Ph.D.

“”On behalf of Vetanco do Brazil we want to acknowledge with all our heart to Vetanco Argentina for the grandiose party organized in Cuba. Our institution was even more consolidated and Vetanco showed that it’s present all across Latin America with a fantastic structure. A big hug to all the Vetanco Argentina team that was always extremely kind and friendly. Africa 2010 wouldn’t have been the same without Argentina and for us the Brazilians would lack of fun.” Claudio Jorge Kracker. Vetanco do Brazil. Director

“”Thank you very much for have given to me the opportunity of being again with the Vetanco group in this trip and have participated of the event that was really amazing, of an enviable quality. Congratulations to you and to all the Vetanco Group. I’m sure this will continue growing and succeeding”. Cassiano Marcos Bevilaqua. Cascavel-Parana.Brazil

“”I waited till the appropriate moment arrived (have Argentina classified for the world cup), to acknowledge personally and on behalf of Phartec and our guests for the kind attentions received in VARADERO. Everything was just magnificent, the conferences level and the guest’s program. This commits us to continue the effort for our shared business development. Reminding our gratitude I send to you a strong hug.”. Gustavo Florian Herrera. Lima. Peru.

¨Just a few lines to congratulate for the convention organized in Cuba. From my point of view was a true success and I’m sure all the technical, human and economic effort that you invested will pay back increasingly. Was an honour for me to be invited and strongly acknowledge your confidence”. Gustavo Tellez. Research Professor and Associate Director PHL. University of Arkansas.

More pictures from the meeting:

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