BV Science, a global business unit created by Vetanco and Dr. Bata Ltd., presented Rumino Zyme®
Several presentation workshops took place within the 11th and 16th of June, introducing Rumino Zyme®, a new product developed for BV Science, the global business unit created by Vetanco and Dr. Bata Ltd., which focuses on an antibiotic free sustainable animal production
Rumino Zyme® is a completely innovative product to be used in high performance meat and milk production ruminants. It is an additive for ruminants which contains hemicellulase enzymes and Aspergillus oryzae spores. During the meetings, Dr. Arpad Bata, founder of Dr. Bata Ltd. and developer of Rumino Zyme®, explained the product´s mechanisms of action and ruminal physiology.
Rumino Zyme® combines enzymatic complexes actions, which seize the hemicellulose contained within the diet´s fibrous component, and the Aspergillus oryzae spores action, that when activated inside the rumen, generate an anaerobic environment (without oxygen) inauspicious for rumen lactogenic flora, which reduces ruminal acidosis appearance, especially in hyper-energetic diets, improving ruminal health and absorption of VFA nutrients in the rumen, “explained Dr. Arpad Bata, outlining that both of this mechanisms, translate into an important conversion efficiency, daily weight gain and milk production improvement, as well as a better corporal condition score.
Productive results shown during the meetings were obtained from various feedlots and dairy farms in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santiago del Estero, Salta and Santa Fe provinces. We can find among the companies which took part in this activities: Cooperativa Bell Ville, Feedlot La Muñeca (Néstor Tomasello), Grupo Beltran and Feedlot Las Palmitas (Capil SA), where the tour ended on Friday.