“Vedevax” Project, another achievement for the Bioinnovo team

The national competition, IB50K, sponsored by Balseiro Institute was held on Friday, November 25, 2016 in the Salon de Actos at the Bariloche Atomic Center.  Here entrepreneurs, researchers and academics presented approaches to create new companies with technological foundations.

Following the presentations, an awards ceremony was held for representatives of the five team finalists.

First prize of the IB50K national competition was awarded to RadSafe Labs in the area of nuclear technology.

Second prize was awarded to “Vedevax” Project, a business plan to generate a start-up based on: “the first directional recombinant vaccine against the virus that causes bovine viral diarrhea

“Vedevax” aims to produce an efficient, effective, safe and competitive vaccine with expansion potential in Latin America.

The team is comprised of members from:  Universidad Nacional de Moron, la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), la Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA), la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) and la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ).  Today they work together in Bioinnovo, a public private company formed between Vetanco and INTA.

The IB50K, organized by the Balerio Institute (CNEA-UNCyo), is a national competition for new business plans with a technological base. The objective of this contest is to encourage and inspire enterprising students and young professionals from Argentine Universities to create and develop innovative technological companies that strengthen the country’s technological-industrial foundation.

Presenters in Bariloche at the IB50K were Josefina Baztarrica and Demian Bellido of Vetanco.

“Congratulations” from the Vetanco family, “we are extremely proud of your efforts and successful results.  We hope that these team achievements act as a stimulus for continued research and applying this acquired knowledge to the animal health industry”.

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