Regulatory Affairs attends Camevet 2016 annual meeting


Camevet:  The American Committee Veterinary Medicinal Products held its XXII Meeting “Harmonization of Registration and Control of Veterinary Medicines” in Mexico.

In attendance for this zear’s program were the official government agencies for all countries that make up the Americas (FDA, SENASA, Sagarpa, MAPA, SAG, etc.).  Key issues addressed included: progress made in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, Pharmacovigilance, Bioequivalence Guide, Aquaculture and evaluation of potential links with OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) and VICH (International Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medical Product).

Andrea Fraga, Vetanco Pharmacologist, presented the consensus position between the government agency and the Argentine Industry for improving the Stability Guidelines.  Congratulations, Andrea, for giving a quality presentation with such positive feedback.

We congratulate Andrea, Veronica and Thalita on their remarkable presence before the registration officials of all countries that make up the Americas.

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