RedBio Argentina awards Vedevax BLOCK

RedBio Argentina awarded the poster of Bioinnovo on the latest field results of the first subunit vaccine against the bovine viral diarrhea virus, Vedevax BLOCK.

During the 13th RedBio National Symposium 2021, held on June 8-11, with the title “Biotechnology as a Solution to Past Challenges,” technical posters were exhibited. Bioinnovo’s poster “Impact of the new subunit vaccine against BVDV in a dairy farm with reproductive problems” received the Outstanding Poster Award.

In the poster, Dr. Demian Bellido of the Bioinnovo-Vetanco R&D department showed the positive results of the Vedevax BLOCK vaccine for the prevention of the bovine viral diarrhea virus in a dairy herd. This vaccine was developed by Bioinnovo, a public-private technology company established by a partnership between Vetanco laboratory and INTA.

The vaccine was applied in four dairy farms owned by a company in the province of Santa Fe. All cows older than one year on the farm with the worst reproductive performance received the vaccine. In contrast, the other three farms were used as controls. It should be noted that all four dairy farms share the same geographic area and follow identical health, feeding, and management practices.

The study concluded that the subunit-targeted vaccine against the virus positively impacted the vaccinated herd, increasing conception rates and reducing abortions, consequently reducing days open.

Abortions were reduced in 27% (from 30 to 22%), and this farm, which reproductive performance was the worst, showed the best reproductive results after vaccination. The impact of the vaccine on herd productivity is impressive,” said Bellido.

During the symposium, on June 7, Dr. Andrés Wigdorovitz, Bioinnovo’s Scientific Director, spoke about the “Application of recombinant nanoantibody platforms and IgY antibodies (derived from egg yolk) as tools for the diagnosis and treatment of SARS COV2.

RedBio is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1990. Its activities are focused on disseminating knowledge and information on biotechnology developments and applications.

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