Broad spectrum antibiotics oral treatments. Alterations or changes in diet, Allergies or food intolerances, Intestinal infections (parasitic, viral, bacterial), Pancreatic problems, malabsorption syndrome, Chronic liver disorders, and Stress or exhausting situations.
Enterococcus faecium Probiotic, no less than 2×10⁷ CFU/g, FOS (Inulin Hydrolysate) Prebiotic, and Acacia (gummi arabicum). Kaolin and Pectin.
Administer the following amounts orally twice a day:
- Puppies, kittens: 1 ml.
- Adult cats and dogs < 10 kg: 2 ml.
- Dogs 10 – 30 kg: 4 ml.
- Adult dogs > 30 kg: 5 ml.
The recommended minimum administration period is 3 days, as it is usually used for short-term acute diarrhea, but this dosage can be modified on a case-by-case basis.
For diarrhea comprehensive management, appropriate dietary management may also be necessary, as well as rehydrating the animal to compensate for fluid loss.
Palatable paste in 30 ml syringes.
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