Lucas Piroca assumes the presidency of Nucleovet

In January, the veterinarian Lucas Piroca, Commercial Manager – Porcinos de Vetanco Brasil, assumed the presidency of Núcleo de Médicos Veterinarios y Zootecnistas del Occidente (Nucleovet), mandate 2022/2023.

Nucleovet is one of the most active entities in sharing the technical knowledge of Brazilian agroindustry in the areas of poultry, pigs and dairy cattle.

According to Piroca, what motivated him to assume the presidency of the entity was to continue with the work he carries out in the search for the dissemination of technical knowledge, the strengthening of the classes of veterinarians and zootechnicians and the integration of the entity associates with society.

“I believe in people who are committed to creating value through Nucleovet and, therefore, I’m absolutely sure that we can continue in this positive development movement”, emphasized Lucas.

Among the aims and goals of his management, the veterinarian mentions establishing an environment that fosters and gives opportunities for leadership training among associates; proceeding with actions that allow contemplation of the strategic plan already established, respecting the principles of the entity; keeping the entity close to the associates, and vice versa, as well as close and linked to the company and entities with which it is related; and promoting continuous improvements with a focus on sustainability in the medium and long term.


The elected president says that the intention is to increasingly promote moments of training, meeting and exchange of experiences.

These are actions that can take place internally, but are generally carried out with access to the external audience, as is the case of the South Brazil Poultry, Pork and Dairy Cattle Symposiums. “These three events are traditional meetings of the productive sector, which provide unique moments of updating and contact with the latest in terms of knowledge and technical and technological tools”, says Lucas.

In 2022, the symposiums must be held in a hybrid format, which will result in a greater scope of knowledge shared and disseminated in the symposiums in the South of Brazil. “Those who are present will validate the success and practical technical quality which are our brand, with the tradition of human warmth. The translation of the scientific programming conferences, together with the improvements in the digital platforms, such as the website and the application will provide a valuable experience to all the participants”, he assesses.

The next 50 years

In 2021, Nucleovet completed five decades of operation. When asked how the then-president sees the organization’s next 50 years, Lucas is emphatic: “I’m optimistic about the future of Nucleovet, since we have people who are truly committed to the entity, its values and principles. The job is to continue honoring its history and that of all the professionals who contributed to get us where we are”, he says.

 “We must keep moving, adapting to future demands and offering maximum value and the best experiences to everyone with whom we interact. Of course, this is not easy, especially in the long term, but as veterinarians and zootechnicians we are, by nature, stubborn in making it happen and it will be”, he adds.

Finally, the president highlights that people are the main differentiator of companies and institutions. “I believe that we must fight for the common good and, as associates and partners, it is up to us to look and work to perpetuate the value generation through Nucleovet. Alone we go faster and together we go further and, for this reason, I ask everyone’s help to build the present and future of this beautiful entity that I affectionately call ours”, concludes Lucas.

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