First stop: Mendoza
Due to the cooperation of our great friends Verónica, Darío and Adrián from Nuracell, we started our tour at Mendoza city past April 16th. More than 50 invited joined us at the restaurant: La Posada del Jamon to listen to the conference of Raul Cerdá about Avian Mycoplasmosis. With nice steaks and wines we shared comments of colleagues and customers about their experiences with Aivlosin.
Second stop: Córdoba
With good response of attendances friends from several cities of Cordoba approached to the hotel for this conference. It’s worth to remark the strong interest of this producers, that produce for industrialization and further export, on Aivlosin residues in eggs.
Third stop: Crespo – Entre Ríos
The Aivlosin Tour continues way to the east. The third station joined us at Crespo, in Entre Ríos province. Mr. Schneider, Mr Ratero and Leandro Degracia called Dinagro’s customers to Dr Cerdá and Dr Xavier lectures. Thanks everybody for answering our invitation with you invaluable discussion of experiences and concerns.